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27 posts

Ashura! The Day when Almighty Allah bestowed to Imam Hujjat (atfs) the TITLE OF QAAEM (atfs)

It is the day when the Almighty Allah bestowed to Hazrat Hujjat (a.s.) the title of Qaaem. Thus,…

Imam Mahdi’s (atfs) love for Imam Husain (as)

Each one of us in our limited life of 60 or 70 odd years attends finite number of…

Folding Hands in Prayers – An Innovation by Umar

It is only fair to ask the question the other way around as well. Why do other Muslims…

Glorious Sermon of Abul Fazl Abbas (as)

Hazarat Abbas (as) delivered this sermon on the roof of the Kaaba when Imam Hussain (asws) was departing…

Was Me’raj of the Prophet Physical?

The quality of me’raj of the Prophet has been a subject of discussion for long and much has…

Eid E Zehra – A Second Ghadeer

Al-Sayed ibn Tawoos writes in the book, ‘Zawaa’id al-Fawaa’id’ that Ibn Abi Alaa Al-Hamadani al-Waasiti and Yahya ibn…

Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Aqeel (ar) in the court of Ibn Ziyad (la)

The greatest difficulty that befell Muslim was that he was taken as a prisoner to Ibn Ziyad(la) while…