Companion of holy prophet (s) was murdered by Abu Bakr (la)

When the caliphate of Abu Bakr (la) was firmly implemented and he gained control over the people, Abu Bakr (la) called for Khalid b. Walid (la) and told him, “You are witness to what Malik b. Nuwayrah said that day and how he protested…

Companion of holy prophet (sawa) was against abu bakr (la) AND umar (la)

Some researchers (such as FaId al-Kashani) in the summary of the book al-Tihabi Niranil…

Imam (a.s.) takes care of the needs of every believer

Abu Hashim Ja’fari narrates: One day when Imam Hasan Askari (as) mounted his horse and…

Ali (as) is Allah’ s caliph on his (swt) land

Abu Abdullah Ja’far Bin Muhammad (as) said : On the Day of Judgement, a caller will call…

Letter of Umar (la) to Muawiya (la) which lead to Karbala

It is narrated to us by Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Haroun Bin Musa Al Tal’akbari who said,…

Yazid (la) killing the descendant of David (Prophet Dawood (as))

Ibn Laheeah has narrated from Abi Aswad Muhammad Ibn Abdul Rahman, that he met…

Journey of Childrens of Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abu Talib (as) after Karbala till Martyrdom

Shaikh Saduq has related in his Amali from his father (Ibn Babawayh Awwal), from Ali bin…