Rabi Al Awwal 1, 1443 Letter of Umar (la) to Muawiya (la) which lead to Karbala It is narrated to us by Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Haroun Bin Musa Al Tal’akbari who said,… 56517 min
Shawwal 15, 1442 The Light Of Ahlulbayt (as) Sayed Razi (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book “Al Manaqibul Fakhera Fi Itrate Tahera” narrates… 1023 min
Jumada Al Akhira 29, 1442 SHIA’s OF LADY FATEMA (SA) AND HER PROGENY ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT Mohammad bin Ibrahim narrated from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Abdul Wahid… 2082 min
Jumada Al Akhira 5, 1442 UMAR B. AL-KHATTAB’S (LA) LETTER TO MU’AWIYAH (LA): “STATING HOW HE (LA) AMBUSHED THE HOUSE OF REVELATION” ‘Umar (la) b. al-Khattab (la) wrote a letter to Mu’awiyah (la), the contents of which were as follows,… 3153 min
Jumada Al Akhira 4, 1442 Imam Sadiq (as) Prays for the one who curse the KILLERS of Lady Fatema (sa) Our scholars have related from Bashshar al-Makari that he has said, “I went to meet Imam Ja’far as… 1782 min
Jumada Al Akhira 4, 1442 FRIGHTENING ZAINAB IN THE INCIDENT OF AQABAH RESULTED IN HUBAR’S LAWFUL BLOOD SHEDDING BY HOLY PROPHET (S) The renowned scholar of the Ahlus Sunnah, Ibn Abil Hadid in his commentary of Nahjul Balaghah relates that… 1532 min
Jumada Al Akhira 1, 1442 Umar’s (la) Oppression on Lady Fatema(sa) and Dragging of Imam Ali(as) towards Abu Bakr(la) The researcher and philosopher, Faydh al-Kashani in his book ‘Ilmul Yaqin’ quotes from the book, al Tihab Niranul… 1.1K3 min
Jumada Al Oula 26, 1442 Burning the Door of Tatheer thereby entering WITHOUT Permission Abu Bakr (la) sent Qunzuf (la) along with some others to Ali (a.s.), Qunzuf (la) came to the… 1744 min
Rabi Al Awwal 10, 1441 Eid E Zehra – A Second Ghadeer Al-Sayed ibn Tawoos writes in the book, ‘Zawaa’id al-Fawaa’id’ that Ibn Abi Alaa Al-Hamadani al-Waasiti and Yahya ibn… 2677 min