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Imam Husain (as)

9 posts

Letter of Umar (la) to Muawiya (la) which lead to Karbala

It is narrated to us by Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Haroun Bin Musa Al Tal’akbari who said,…

Yazid (la) killing the descendant of David (Prophet Dawood (as))

Ibn Laheeah has narrated from Abi Aswad Muhammad Ibn Abdul Rahman, that he met Ra’s-ul-Jaloot, the chief of…

The Light Of Ahlulbayt (as)

Sayed Razi (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book “Al Manaqibul Fakhera Fi Itrate Tahera” narrates…

Dream of Hind bin Utbah (la) and the CURSE of Holy Prophet(sawa) upon her and her Progeny.

Through successive chain of transmitters reaching the Noble Traditionist Muhammad bin Ali bin Shahr Ashob Sarawi (May Allah…

Why did Allah allow Enemies to overpower His Hujjat on the Day of Ashura ?

Mohammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq Taleqani says: We had gone to meet Husain bin Ruh (ra) along with…

Ashura! The Day when Almighty Allah bestowed to Imam Hujjat (atfs) the TITLE OF QAAEM (atfs)

It is the day when the Almighty Allah bestowed to Hazrat Hujjat (a.s.) the title of Qaaem. Thus,…

Imam Mahdi’s (atfs) love for Imam Husain (as)

Each one of us in our limited life of 60 or 70 odd years attends finite number of…

Glorious Sermon of Abul Fazl Abbas (as)

Hazarat Abbas (as) delivered this sermon on the roof of the Kaaba when Imam Hussain (asws) was departing…

Martyrdom of Muslim ibn Aqeel (ar) in the court of Ibn Ziyad (la)

The greatest difficulty that befell Muslim was that he was taken as a prisoner to Ibn Ziyad(la) while…